

Do American-born babies have to pay US taxes?


長久以來許多華人赴美生子,這些小孩子一生下來就擁有美國國籍,我們稱之為「美寶」。然而很多美寶父母卻忽略了: 其實美寶存在著美國報稅義務



比如說: 小童星(工作)收入、利息收入、股票交易利得收入、租金收入、公司股利分紅、保險分紅等等或者收到海外贈與達十萬美金以上, 都必須及時填表申報美稅。

所以,請家裡有美寶的父母們要注意一下您家美寶名下的收入是否達到了報稅的條件門檻? 如果有的話必須及時填表申報美稅,以避免因為遺漏了美國稅務責任而面臨到高額的罰款。


迎來電諮詢美國註冊會計師羅霞 +886 980919600
或者 E-mail: ustaxproservice@gmail.com 
也歡迎造訪我公司官網: https://www.ustaxproservice.com
(美國稅務服務有限公司 USTAX Service LLC)

For a long time, many Chinese have gone to the United States to have children. These children have American nationality when they are born. We call it "Meibao." However, many Meibao parents have ignored: In fact, MEBO has a US tax filing obligation.

According to US tax laws, whether or not to file a tax return to the IRS tax table is not related to age, but to identity and income. If Meibao has a certain income or accepts a gift and reaches a certain amount, then it must report the personal income tax to the US Internal Revenue Service.

For example: Children's Star (work) income, interest income, stock trading income, rental income, company dividends, insurance dividends, etc., or receiving overseas gifts of more than 100,000 US dollars, must promptly fill out the form to declare US tax.

Therefore, parents who have Meibao should pay attention to whether the income under the name of your Meibao has reached the threshold of tax return. If there is any, you must fill out the form to declare the US tax in time to avoid missing the US tax liability and face with a high fine.

If you want to know more about American Baby Taxation Practice,

please contact us at the USCPA Luo Xia +886 980919600

or Email: ustaxproservice@gmail.com

Also welcome to visit our website: https://www.ustaxproservice.com

(USTAX Service LLC)

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