

Know the Signs of the U.S. Identity Theft, Phishing and Online Scams





1. 您收到國稅局的來信,詢問不是您申報的可疑納税表。

2. 您的社會安全碼已被申報使用,導致您無法提交電子納稅申報表。

3. 當您沒有報稅的年度中,您收到國稅局的通知有積欠額外稅金、有退稅抵扣,或受到欠稅追討。

4. 您收到未申請的稅務紀錄郵件。

5. 國稅局紀錄顯示您有來自沒有為其工作過的雇主的薪資或其他收入。

美國註冊會計師 羅霞提醒您,美國國稅局IRS不會主動透過電子郵件、手機簡訊或社交媒體管道聯繫納稅人來提供個人或財務資訊,也不會透過以上方式要求您進行匯款或繳稅!



歡迎來電諮詢美國註冊會計師 羅霞 +886 980919600

或者 E-mail: ustaxproservice@gmail.com 也歡迎造訪我公司官網: https://www.ustaxproservice.com (美國稅務服務有限公司 USTAX Service LLC)

Know the Signs of the U.S. Identity Theft, Phishing and Online Scams

Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your Social Security Number to file a tax return and claim a fraudulent tax refund. Be alert to possible tax-related identity theft if you run into the following situations:

1. You get a letter from the IRS inquiring about a suspicious tax return that you did not file before.

2. You can't e-file your tax return because of a duplicate Social Security Number.

3. You get an IRS notice that you owe additional tax or refund offset, or that you have had collection actions taken against you for a year you did not file a tax return.

4. You get a tax transcript that you did not request.

5. IRS records indicate you received wages or other income from an employer you didn't work for.

USCPA Luo Xia reminds you that the IRS won’t initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages or any other social media channels to request taxpayers’ personal or financial information. Please do not transfer money through any unknown website or software to anybody.

If you have any questions or need any further help,

please contact us at the USCPA Luo Xia +886 980919600

or Email: ustaxproservice@gmail.com

Also welcome to visit our website: https://www.ustaxproservice.com

(USTAX Service LLC)

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